Audible Sight

AI + Accessibility, Design Sprint & User Research
Project Overview
We helped build a prototype and test a new way to create accessible videos using AI by making it easier to add audio descriptions. This new tool is designed to automate video editing, added voiceover descriptions, and scene timing.

Today adding audio description to videos requires niche video and audio editing skills. It is a tedious, time-consuming, and expensive process. As a result, only a tiny fraction of the 2 million hours of videos uploaded to the internet every day are accessible to visually impaired people.
Audible Sight has launched to change that.
Our Contributions
Design Sprint Facilitation
Rapid Integrated Prototype
Business Experiment Design
User Research Facilitaiton
The Future of Audio Description
Design Sprint
Nov 2023 - Dec 2023
Video Content Producers need an easy and cost-effective method to add audio descriptions to their videos without requiring technical, video editing skills. Today the current solution falls short due to detailed technical skills required to record voiceover, edit video, and understand the lived experience of the visually impaired.

Section 508, WCAG, ADA compliance is critical for the future of accessibility.

Our Remote Design Sprint over just one short week resulted in an interactive prototype that was able to be tested with target users, gather critical evidence, and explore business ideas.
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